On a fruit diet?


FRUITS. Known to be rich in fiber, and an excellent source of energy and nutrition. It keeps the body hydrated and of course, as we all know most fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories making them ideal for use in weight loss.

So here are my TOP 5 Healthy and Ideal Fruits to Eat for Weight Loss.

1. Raspberries


Raspberries are at the top of the list of high fiber fruits. Not only that they are colorful and fun to eat, but berries are loaded with vitamin C and fiber, and they are also one of the fruits with the lowest sugar content.  They are also low in calories:  1 cup of strawberries has only 50 calories; 1 cup of blueberries has 80 calories; 1 cup of raspberries has 65 calories; and 1 cup of blackberries has only 60 calories.  Craving for something sweet? Why not try berries instead? 🙂

2. Oranges

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Of course its famous for its vitamin C qualities, which helps to prevent you from having illness plus it makes your skin glow and maintains the beauty of your hair. But another amazing quality of this citrus fruit is that its caloric value is small. One large orange  provides 86 calories which makes it ideal for snacks. Also, its size lets us forget about hunger for some time during the diet.

 3. Bananas


Known to be an energy fruit. A glass of water plus this fruit is the perfect combination to give you that extra energy in working out. Bananas are best known for containing large amounts of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 and are surprisingly low in calories. The average large ripe banana, which ranges from 7 to 8 inches long, contains only 105 calories.

4. Apples


They say that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apples are definitely one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.  A medium apple has less than 100 calories, while a small apple  contains 55 cal, more than 4 grams of fiber, and a good dose of vitamin C. The vitamins and minerals especially the fiber which this fruit contains helps you feel full longer as it expands in your stomach, so it takes less food to satisfy your hunger.

5. Grapes


For me, this is the best snack fruit. First, because they are bite size and it makes it easy to control portion sizes. Second, they’re sweet and you can eat as much as you can without the feeling of being guilty after. Thirty-two (32) seedless grapes are considered equal to one cup of fruit which contains only 110 calories. Another thing about it is that its a natural diuretic and laxative which helps eliminate waste and water weight.

The truth about it.


Adding fruits to your diet is essential for good health and of course, to help us lose weight. Fruits are sweet, which can be a replacement for unhealthy sweet snacks that we usually have. They are low in calories and fat, and high in fiber which are the 3 most important ingredients for weight loss. Not only that it helps in shedding pounds, but it also helps in making us look young and feel great because it contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Thing is, fruits actually weigh a lot, but they don’t have as much as many calories compared to other foods. Example, Calories in 100g of Cadbury’s chocolate milk =520 calories. While 100g of the following contains.. berries= 27.6 cal, Oranges= 62.1 cal, Banana=95 cal, and Grapes=61.5 cal.


So get my point? Same amount but wayyyyy lesser in calories. You will feel just as full as you’ve eaten the same amount of food but you’ve saved a lot of calories. I wouldn’t recommend having an all fruit diet because the goal here is to always have a balanced meal. But I would suggest EXCHANGING your bad food habits into healthy ones.  So instead of grabbing a chocolate bar, cookies, or donuts, why not eat fruits instead? 🙂


I hope this post helps.

Stay Healthy and Pretty girls! ❤ God bless everyone! 🙂

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.- 3 John 1:2