Your Period and Your Cravings


Women experience different symptoms (PMS) during their menstrual month. Some may experience bloating, cramping, fatigue, depression, and migrane and of course, its that time of the month when you crave more food than usual and its like you’ve turned into an eating machine. Yes, you’re not the only one who experiences that. Many women find themselves eating more just before, during, or after their period.

The Reason

During this season, your body burns more calories because your body is not in its normal work load. There is an additional activity taking place internally and thus, your body is working hard meaning it needs more fuel. In my case, I eat more during my period. I feel weak and inadequate during this time of the month and so I feel like I want to eat more.


Research say that the female metabolism increases up to 10% during this time. An increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite because your body burns more, then it needs to refuel after. Another reason for your cravings is because of hormonal changes and blood loss. I think the same principle goes when you donate blood, you feel more hungry after.

Your Food Intake

It really is difficult to ignore the urge to eat during period. Your hormones are on its highest level and it feels like you want to treat yourself with an ice cream or maybe a bag of Doritos will do too. The level of hunger varies from person to person. However, research suggests that in the days before your period, it is likely that you are consuming extra calories. According to Weight Watchers, you intake an average of 100 to 200 calories more than usual before your period.

Hungry girl

Another thing to keep in mind is you can gain water weight because of the salty foods that you have eaten during your period. Sure your metabolism increases during this time, but even though your metabolism rate increases up to 10% percent, lack of control could sabotage the days that you have sacrificed working out.

What To Do?

Unfortunately, there’s nothing that you can do to stop your cravings. However,  there are ways to prepare your body and to help block the extra calories that your body body has taken during this season.

1. Exercise


The best way to burn the extra calories that you digested is of course to burn it off at the gym. An average woman during period eats more than 200 calories; and an hour of doing cardio exercise at the gym burns around 400-600 calories depending on your weight. That way, you can balance it out by calorie intake vs. workout. So if you don’t want those extra pounds, hit the gym.

2. Eat Fruits and Vegetables


Vegetables are of course, high in fiber. Eating more of these will make you feel full without digesting much calories. Not only are they rich in iron and B vitamins; their high fiber count also can help with digestive problems which often occurs during your menstrual cycle.

3.  Eat Whole Grains


Whole grains are healthy choices when it comes to carbohydrates. Just like fruit, the fiber in whole grains can help you feel full and helps with digestion especially during your period. Whole grains also include complex carbohydrates, which provide important vitamins and minerals too.

4. Eat Red Meat


Of course red meats are known to be a good source of iron. A high content of blood is lost during period, and so we need to include red meat to our diet to help us regain the energy that we lost. By including this to your meal, you won’t be needing more food to it as it helps to refuel your body.

5. Control-Portion, Portion-Control


If you really can’t stand eating cookies, cakes, chocolates, or junk foods, then portion-control rule always works. Don’t binge. Discipline yourself. Remember that these cravings come every month. They can definitely make you gain 5-10lbs in a week’s tme.

In Conlusion


Truly, our bodies seem to tell us to eat more during our period. The cravings are difficult to ignore. (I am guilty of that!) In my case, I am not really a fan of sweets, but during my period, I usually crave for redvelvets  and vanilla ice cream, I could eat half dozen of redvelvets in one sitting -_-  #dietfail. Hahaha!


But of course we can prevent these by making healthier food choices. Even though our bodies compensates by metabolizing more, I wouldn’t suggest eating purposefully while on your period. Our bodies know when it needs more energy, it will let  you know when to eat and when to stop.

Thing is, you should choose a plan that works for you, whether it be burning it off at the gym, replacing it with healthier foods, or  controlling the portion sizes. Listen to your body and don’t give in to temptations easily. As what they say, MIND OVER MATTER always works! 🙂


I hope this blog helps.

Stay Healthy and Pretty girls! ❤

God bless everyone! 🙂

… He (Boaz) said to her “Come here and eat some bread and dip your morsel in the wine.” So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed to her roasted grain. And she ate until she was satisfied- Ruth 2:14